Ashwaghanda is a powerful Ayurvedic herb which has been known for helping with stress; it is an adaptogenic herb which has brain-boosting benefits, it boosts intellect and memory.
For more about the benefits of this recipie - melp://#!section=53244034&item=68783944
Smoothie Recipe
1. ½ banana
2. 2 handfuls of berries
3. 2 tbs of oats – improves blood sugar control, the most nutrient dense food – low calorie but a lot of nutrients
4. Handful of mixed sunflower and pumpkin seeds – healthy fats, zinc
5. ½ tsp cinnamon – helps regulating blood sugars
6. 1 tsp cocoa powder (optional)
7. Top up with milk (plant if you want to) – 150 – 200 ml
Sip smoothie at least 30 min so that it goes to your blood stream slowly;
Allergens: none